Innovation Week from our perspective

🌟 Exploring Innovation in Education 🌟

This week, we’re diving into the excitement of Innovation Week at the Prague University of Economics and Business. It’s a time where we’re shaking things up from our usual teaching methods, bringing in a mix of activities that not only challenge how we traditionally learn but also celebrate the latest trends in education. It’s not just about making our students‘ learning experiences better; it’s also about gaining valuable insights for us, the educators.

That is why earlier today, I had the pleasure of joining this innovative spirit by giving a guest lecture at Charles University. I was invited to speak as part of their Business Ethics and Leadership course, which had a diverse group of international students, mostly from the United States. We talked about my experiences working with compliance programs in Central European businesses, and we also took a close look at some relevant theories in this field.

The atmosphere at the magical building in Vyšehrad was truly amazing, and the enthusiasm from the international students was really inspiring. Getting to see different teaching approaches from various universities not only broadens our horizons but also makes us more committed to improving our own teaching methods.

#InnovationWeek #Education #GlobalLearningExperience #Compliance #BusinessEthics

Lucie Andreisová